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Monday, January 31, 2011


A 100 views.Thanks!I need more!

It's Monday..."Ready to get shit done!"(Take 2)

So,I posted a picture from a favorite local Mexican restaurant of a shot of tequila that a friend got me as we ate dinner.At the time I thought nothing of it as I down it.But,when I picked up my sketch pad to do some warm drawing,I felt suddenly "off kilter".I was in no condition to be creative."It was just one shot." You say.But,tequila and I have had a "I consume it and then it makes me feel like complete shit" type of relationship.I've learned my lesson now.I will not drink shots of tequila before drawing.From now on I stick to coffee,water,or really good beer.

This I promise...Or at least until I disappoint you all.